NBA star Kyrie Irving is producing a television special that seeks justice for Breonna Taylor that will debut today at 7pm EDT on the PlayersTv digital and broadcast network.

Taylor was a 26-year-old Black EMT who was killed by Louisville police officers when they entered her home with a no-knock warrant. The plain-clothed officers entered her house without knocking, believing that there were drugs inside the house.  Taylor’s boyfriend thought that they were being burglarized, he shot at the cops who blindly fired and killed Taylor. No drugs were found at the scene and many have been calling for the officers’ arrest since they have not been charged.

Titled “#SAY HER NAME: BREONNA TAYLOR,” the broadcast will include calls to action that will include voter registration, calls to local officials and posts on social media demanding justice. Irving will be joined by hip-hop artist Common, co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement Alicia Garza, journalist Jemele Hill, Democratic representative for Massachusetts Ayanna Pressley, author Dr. Brittney Cooper and activist Brittany Packett.

Kyrie Irving has been vocal about social and racial issues plaguing society and is committed to using his influence to provoke change.

“In a time when society is calling out police brutality, social injustices, and systemic racism, it is critical to magnify how these unjust behaviors and practices are directly impacting Black women,” Irving said in a statement. “I stand for Breonna Taylor, Sandra Bland, and the countless women whose names are never said but have shared the same unfortunate fate.”

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