Chinese-American Christian Hall was Shot and Killed by Police While His Hands Were Up

On December 30, 19-year-old Chinese American Christian Hall was shot and killed by Pennsylvania State Police. At the time of his shooting, Hall was said to be suicidal and experiencing a mental health crisis when officers were called to deescalate the situation.  Instead of providing assistance, they resorted to lethal force.  Police justified the killing […]

This Zoom Forum Imagined What Solidarity Between Asian and Black Communities Could Look Like

Define American, an organization that seeks to create conversations around immigration, identity and citizenship, organized a “Brown and Gold forum” where prominent Black and Asian artists talked about what solidarity between the two communities could look like after Covid-19. Speakers included Franklin Leonard, the founder of The Black List; Nikole Hannah Jones, a New York […]

Opinion: Black and Asian Communities Must Unite During This Pandemic

The Trump administration has recently used the terms “Chinese Virus,” and “Kung-Flu” to disparage Chinese communities at a time when hate crimes against people perceived to be Asian have surged. From a student in Australia who was beaten to a woman on the New York City subway who was verbally abused, the attacks are making […]
