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#AllBirthdaysMatter is currently trending on Twitter as a jab against President Donald Trump, whose birthday is on June 14th.

The #AllBirthdaysMatter hashtag is a tongue-in-cheek reference to the co-opted movement that aims to de-legitimize Black Lives Matter. As many have pointed out, the Black Lives Matter movement is not meant to take value away from other lives, but to highlight the fact that Black lives in the United States are under constant threat. In the U.S., 38 percent of the prison population is Black and Africa-Americans are nearly three times more likely than white Americans to be killed by police.

Instead of posting about the President’s birthday, Twitter has opted to use the logic of All Lives Matter supports to focus on the importance of all birthdays. Some used it as an opportunity to celebrate former president Barack Obama’s birthday, which is on August 4th.

Other posts took a more serious approach to the hashtag and pointed out that many victims of police brutality will never be able to celebrate their own birthdays. Breonna Taylor, the Black woman who was shot and killed by police in her own home, was going to turn 27 on June 5th.


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