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Justin Howell is a Black 20-year-old Texas State University political science student who was shot with rubber bullets on the head during a protest in Austin on May 31. He remains in critical condition with a fractured skull.

According to several posts, Austin police kept shooting as fellow protestors tried to carry Howell to safety.

Before they shot at Justin Howell, the Austin Police Association defended their actions against protestors.

On Wednesday, Howell’s older brother Joshua, who is an editor at the Texas A&M University newspaper, wrote an Op-ed about his brother.

“Two evenings ago, as I drove home from Austin, my mom was with Justin in his hospital room. He was still sedated. Suddenly she heard a flurry of police sirens,” he wrote. “Going to the window, she saw what one nurse described as 60 DPS vehicles passing by. She suspected it was a show of force, a threat to the protesters of the violence the police would visit upon them if they saw fit.”


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